5 Ways to Improve Cross Channel Advertising For Holiday Shopping and Beyond

Amanda Batista
July 31, 2024

The cross-channel conundrum may challenge your holiday campaign planning, but with the right strategies and tactics you can streamline your brand advertising to reach your target shoppers and create customers for life. 

We’ve been working with retail brands for a decade to support their creative and media planning efforts. We’re sharing our learnings for you in our latest content offer: 2024 Digital Advertiser Holiday Playbook: How to Amplify Ad Performance and Holiday Sales.

Our playbook is packed with actionable tips and insights to help you navigate the complexities of multi-channel advertising. Here’s how you can enhance your efforts now to prepare for winning holiday performance:

1. Leverage Each Platform’s Strengths

Understanding what each major platform brings to the table can make your advertising efforts more effective and efficient.

  • Meta:some text
    • Early Engagement: Meta is perfect for getting your brand noticed early. Shoppers use Meta to discover new brands, so start your campaign early to build anticipation.
    • Creative Variety: Meta’s AI can optimize your ad performance by testing different creatives. This means you can quickly find what resonates best with your audience and make adjustments on the fly.
    • Bold Branding: With 61% of holiday shoppers influenced by Meta ads, having a strong and consistent brand message will help you stand out and attract attention.
  • TikTok:some text
    • Plan Ahead: TikTok is all about trends, and many users start planning their holiday shopping early. Get your content out ahead of time to catch the early-bird shoppers.
    • Product Discovery: TikTok drives a lot of product discovery. Use this to your advantage by aligning your content with current trends and user interests.
    • Self-Gifting: Highlight trends like self-gifting. Many users buy for themselves during the holidays, so tailor your content to this behavior.
  • Snapchat:some text
    • Start Early: Snapchat users begin their holiday shopping well in advance. Engaging them early can give your brand a competitive edge.
    • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers to expand your reach. Since personal recommendations are powerful, influencers can help you gain credibility and attract new customers.
    • Creative Content: Snapchat thrives on creativity. Use dynamic, eye-catching content to capture attention and keep users engaged.

2. Create a Unified Strategy for Faster Results

A cohesive strategy ensures that your campaigns are efficient and effective across all platforms.

  • Customize Content: Tailor your content to each platform’s format while keeping your core message consistent. This approach allows you to resonate with audiences in different ways without duplicating efforts.
  • Centralize Management: Utilize a single tool to manage your multi-channel campaigns. This centralization simplifies oversight and helps you adjust strategies quickly based on performance data.
  • Leverage Data: Use performance metrics to guide your decisions. By analyzing which ads perform best, you can optimize your strategy in real-time, speeding up your results.

3. Plan and Execute with Precision

Effective planning and execution can significantly boost your campaign’s success during the busy holiday season and beyond.

  • Pre-Holiday Prep: Test your creative strategies well before the holiday rush. Early testing provides valuable insights, allowing you to refine your approach and hit the ground running.
  • Optimize During Peak Times: Focus on mid and lower funnel content during peak shopping periods. Monitor performance and adjust your strategies as needed to stay on top of trends and consumer behavior.
  • Post-Holiday Engagement: Keep the momentum going into the New Year. Tap into trends like “New Year, New Me” to stay relevant and engage with customers who are reflecting on their resolutions.

4. Enhance Your Content to Stand Out

Creative content can make a huge difference in engaging your audience and driving results.

  • Unboxing Videos: These are highly engaging and can drive interest in your products. Show the excitement of unboxing and create content that captures this thrill.
  • Innovative Approaches: Utilize creative techniques like stop-motion or ASMR to make your content stand out. These unique formats can capture attention and make a memorable impact.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers to create authentic content that resonates with their followers. Their genuine endorsements can help boost your brand’s credibility and reach.

5. Monitor and Adjust for Maximum Efficiency

Staying on top of your campaign performance allows you to make quick adjustments and ensure optimal results.

  • Track Metrics: Regularly review key metrics such as click-through rates and conversions. These insights will help you understand what’s working and where improvements are needed.
  • Be Flexible: Adjust your strategy based on real-time data. Trends and consumer behavior can shift quickly, so being adaptable helps you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Optimize Budget: Allocate your budget based on performance. Invest more in high-performing channels and adjust spending for those that aren’t delivering the expected results.

By understanding each platform’s strengths, creating a unified strategy, planning effectively, enhancing your content, and monitoring performance, you’ll set yourself up for success this holiday season and beyond. 

Ready to accelerate your advertising efforts? Check out our 2024 Digital Advertiser Holiday Playbook for more tips and insights to make your multi-channel campaigns shine. 

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