4 Real-Time Optimization Strategies with Brand Pulse

Nicholas Sharaf
May 17, 2024

Ah, the dreaded 30+ day look-back periods. Whether you're a brand or performance marketer, you're likely familiar with the frustration of having to wait for delayed campaign data. Waiting for this feedback can severely hinder your ability to optimize strategies effectively. But what if waiting were a thing of the past, and real-time data and optimizations became the new standard for advertising? 

Enter Smartly's Brand Pulse—the industry's first and only solution that enables brand marketers to confidently measure and optimize across channels, delivering an average of 79% improved spend allocation.

Smartly, the end-to-end AI-powered platform shines in its ability to merge media, creative, and intelligence into a cohesive interface, providing a comprehensive view of your campaigns. This integration unites brand and performance marketers, streamlining workflows and simplifying campaign management in ways previously unimagined.

Embracing Real-Time Data to Get Ahead of Ad Performance
Brand Pulse is changing the way we advertise, making it easier than ever before. This powerful solution empowers marketers to:

  • Connect the funnel: Gain a comprehensive view of how each funnel stage impacts the other with rich insights. Tie performance results to upper funnel metrics like Reach and Frequency, which traditionally can only be seen as “correlated” data rather than directly tied to conversion.
  • Find the optimal platform mix: Measure holistically to determine the optimal platform mix that maximizes your reach and ad dollars by avoiding audience saturation.
  • React swiftly to media moments: Traditional upper funnel metrics, like reach and frequency, have a 30+ day lag time thanks to Real-Time Reach and Frequency (RTRF) feature. Brand Pulse lets you see these metrics in real-time and capitalize on trending topics and real-time events to connect with your audience when it matters most.

Now is the perfect time to incorporate Brand Pulse into your strategy. By doing so, you can unlock new customer reach, optimize your spend, and maximize your ROI. 

Here are four best practices for leveraging Brand Pulse effectively:

  1. Engage with Media Performance in Real Time

Never miss the beat by using instant data to monitor your campaign's real-time performance. Regularly check key metrics like reach, frequency, and engagement to spot trends and opportunities for swift optimizations. This proactive strategy boosts click-through rates and conversions, optimizing campaign impact.

  1. Implement Agile Optimization Strategies

Measure holistically to determine the optimal platform mix that maximizes reach and ad dollars, avoiding audience saturation and ensuring maximum impact. Whether fine-tuning targeting parameters, reallocating budget allocations, or refining ad creative, being agile can give your campaigns a competitive edge.

  1. React Swiftly to Media Moments

Stay ahead by leveraging Brand Pulse to capitalize on trending topics. By aligning campaign messaging with current trends, marketers can increase relevancy and engagement with their target audience.

  1. Unify Performance and Brand Marketing

Brand Pulse fosters seamless collaboration and data sharing by bringing performance and brand marketers together on one unified platform. This integration enables marketers to gain comprehensive insights into upper and lower funnel metrics, facilitating an integrated approach to campaign optimization. With unified data and streamlined workflows, teams can effectively align their efforts, resulting in more impactful campaigns and improved ROI.

Brands and Agencies Rely on Brand Pulse
Brand Pulse is already revolutionizing how Brands advertise. By following these best practices, brands can maximize the impact of their advertising efforts and stay ahead of performance.

"Smartly Real-Time Reach and Frequency provides deduplicated reach and frequency across the major digital channels with the opportunity to optimize in real-time.

— Kevin Joy, Global Performance Marketing at Uber

Are you ready to say goodbye to 30+ day look-back periods? Pulse check campaigns and optimize in real-time across social channels with 12+ metrics. Get a demo now!

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